ABOUT RT-PCR technology In this post, we will discuss whether RT-PCR technology is reliable for testing a suspect with COVID-19 or not through properly analyzing the available facts. What is RT-PCR technology? Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction is a lab technique used by Bio-chemists to generate billions of copies of a complementary DNA generated through reverse transcription of RNA of a virus. You might be wondering how does this method help in detecting a particular disease within an individual. Well, for that you need to understand what viruses are and what is their function. Function of a Virus A virus is a microscopic package of genetic information surrounded by a lipid bilayer. Genetic information is in the form of RNA along with reverse transcriptase(an enzyme which converts RNA into a complementary DNA or false DNA), Integrase(an enzyme which binds complementary DNA to the nucleus of the living cell) and protease(the enzyme which cuts up the protei...
This blog discusses COVID-19 in great detail.Learn all about COVID-19 and the necessary precautions and treatment options available for the respiratory infection caused by COVID-19.